
Jun 1, 2016

A Prayer for the #UCLA Community after a #Shooting

A Prayer for the #UCLA Community after a #Shooting
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Please, please, please God, let this end! Make us servants that finally remember that to serve You is to save each other.

May there be no more violence. May these unceasing tears find their ways into the walls and halls and servants of justice. And if those who are called to lead do no not chart a path toward life, toward safety, toward common sense, remind us that we choose our leaders. We choose our leaders. These coming days this coming year, every vote and every law and every lobbiest - they are called now and tomorrow, and forevermore: choose life.

In the name of all our fallen, innocent students and teachers and pastors and caregivers and police officers and young black men and women and mothers and grandfathers and nurses and fathers and children: it is enough. It is more than we can bear.

Guns are ugliness. The right to defend oneself is not to be corrupted into the freedom to kill another, to worship a weapon. We must repent. There is no other way.

Please God, be with us as we cry yet again, mourn yet again, and redouble our resolve.
Your images have been slain yet again, in yet another bloody blasphemy of our societal fetish for violence, our cultural thirst for blood.

We will not become numb. We will feel every death as if it were the first. We will rise, we will act, and we will not stop until this accursed Gun Violence epidemic ends.

Be with us, Please, O God. This hurts so very much. Please, be with us. Hold our hands. Help us be strong.


#shooting #Gun #GunViolence #WearOrange #NotOneMore #notanaccident #nomore @everytown