
Oct 9, 2017

Our Jewish Community Stands Ready to Help: Donate Now to the North Bay Wildfire Emergency Fund

Our Jewish Community Stands Ready to Help: Donate Now to the North Bay Wildfire Emergency Fund

Dear Chevreh,

I have no words. None. The loss of life and property, of threats to lives and schools and homes, the J Weekly just reported:

"Much of URJ Camp Newman's summer campsite in Santa Rosa has been destroyed by the catastrophic wildfires that have been whipping through Sonoma and Napa counties since late last night. At 4:45 p.m. today, it was announced on the camp's Facebook page that, "it is with tremendous shock and sadness that we share that the majority of the buildings at our beloved Camp Newman home have been destroyed.""
Families have their homes, and Camp Newman has been one of our family's precious homes. Once we learn more, we will be part of the rebuilding. Please read below an email from Rabbi Jim Brandt and Danny Grossman, the CEO's of the East Bay and San Francisco Jewish Federations.

rabbi menachem creditor
May everyone remain safe. Please God, protect everyone. Please God, protect First Responders. Please, friends, let's care for each other.  

Laylah Tov,
Rabbi Creditor



Dear Friends,

Our hearts and prayers are with all those in the path of the wildfires raging across Sonoma and Napa Counties. From the most recent reports, the fires have killed one person, destroyed an estimated 1,500 residential and commercial structures, endangered schools and camps, and forced the evacuation of up to 20,000 people. Since late Sunday night, over 73,000 acres have burned and the damage toll is expected to rise.

Tragically, we have learned that a majority of the buildings at URJ Camp Newman have been destroyed ; thankfully the staff safely evacuated with the Torah scrolls earlier today before the fire reached the camp.

Our Federations have been in close contact, working with Jewish communal organizations and synagogues in the affected regions to assess urgent and emerging needs. Our Jewish community stands ready to help.
As we continue to learn more about this tragedy, we urge you to contribute to the North Bay Wildfire Emergency Fund. As we evaluate the damage with our community partners in the region, rest assured that all donations will reach those most in need. Your generosity will enable a robust and effective response both immediately and throughout the long recovery process. We will continue to update the community as more information is available.

One of our strengths as a community has always been harnessing our networks in the service of people in crisis, responding quickly and effectively wherever tragedy strikes. Today, it's in our own backyards.

Thank you for your concern and generosity. 

In gratitude,

Rabbi James Brandt
Jewish Federation and The Jewish Community Foundation of the East Bay

Danny Grossman
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco, The Peninsula, Marin, and Sonoma Counties
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