
Sep 20, 2021

When the #Jan6 #Insurrection was perpetrated, I feared in the immediate for our elected leaders and for our democracy.

Purchase Remember and Do Not Forget

When the #Jan6 #Insurrection was perpetrated, I feared in the immediate for our elected leaders and for our democracy. But I also feared that the terrible, violent attack would later be intentionally minimized and erased by those whose language has created opportunities for a constantly-present yet typically-constrained American fundamentalism. So I reached out to my friend, my colleague, Rabbi Jesse Olitzky, and together we compiled this collection of letters from American Rabbis to their synagogues on that day as testimony. Jewish history has tragically reinforced the biblical command to remember both the roots and branches of violence. We remember. We will not forget. And we will shine a light on this horrific moment in history with the realization that we otherwise doom our children to see it rise again. #Zachor