
Feb 18, 2024

**Call for Contributions to A Timely Passover Haggadah Supplement**

Friends, I'm thrilled to be partnering with my friend and teacher, Dr. Ora Horn Prouser and The Academy for Jewish Religion community to publish a supplement to the Passover Haggadah to be used at our sedarim this year, giving expression to our solidarity with Israel and the Jewish People. We are calling for submissions of short pieces, drashot, poems, and prayers.
Pesach is one of the holidays that is most widely celebrated in the Jewish community. This year, as so many are struggling with the events of October 7, the tragic suffering of the hostages, and the rise of antisemitism in the United States and beyond, the texts and observances of Passover are open to new and difficult meanings, new interpretation, and deep connections. How are we thinking about the definition of freedom this year? How do we read Vehi She’amdah this year as we see on a daily basis those who “seek our destruction”? What is the new meaning in L’shanah Haba’ah B’yerushalayim as many in the American Jewish community are strengthening connections to Israel? What will we be thinking during Shefokh Hamatkha when we struggle with the concept of calling for God’s anger against our enemies? Creating a collection of materials to be used at the seder will be very useful and powerful for the Jewish community.
Pieces should not exceed 500-700 words. We ask that you additionally write one or two sentences sharing where in the Seder you think your contribution belongs. Submissions and questions should be sent to We are on a very short turnaround time, so we need materials submitted no later than February 29. Please note that we will not be able to include all contributions.
We urge you to join us in providing a resource for the Jewish community that will help us all to process and celebrate this upcoming holiday – finding joy and allowing ourselves to experience sadness, and connecting to the Divine and each other, perhaps in different ways in the new world we are experiencing.
Thank you for sharing this with others as well.
Am Yisrael Chai!