learn with their rabbis, educators, and layleaders, to see so many
similarities between tfutzot (diaspora) shuls and israeli shuls.
Many north american shul-Jews presume a solid Jewish framework and
identity in the 'typical' israeli - but the preschools are developing
family education here too, based on a lack of Judaism being lived in
family experiences... The majority of Jews in the world now live in
Israel - and, despite very different conditions, we're all working in
the same direction and against similar trends of Jewish
The networks of best-practice Foundations like the Legacy Heritage
Foundation have seeded many programs here and in North America, but
that funding doesn't continue indefinitely I where will (non Orthodox)
Israeli Jewish educators turn?
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Announcing ShefaJournal 5770:1 - "The Relationship Between
Conservative Judaism and the Conservative Movement"
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