When I think about what it mean to have the opportunity to spend this summer as the Rabbinic Intern at Congregation Netivot Shalom, I am overwhelmed by many emotions - gratitude, excitement, anticipation. But most of all, humility. I feel humbled for the opportunity to get to serve in this capacity in such an amazing, warm, nurturing community.
For those of you who I haven't yet met, I grew up in Berkeley, and have deep roots connecting me to both the Berkeley Jewish community as well as to Congregation Netivot Shalom. My family was involved with the founding of the community, and have remained active participants ever since. Before starting Rabbinical school, I worked in Jewish education in a wide variety of settings throughout the Bay Area, including in the religious school at CNS. My own Bar Mitzvah was at CNS (back when it was at the JCC), and so working at CNS this summer feels to me, more than anything else, like coming home.
I am reminded of a verse in Ecclesiastes (2:14): "The wise person has his eyes in his head." We are told in this verse to use our eyes to observe the world, to approach everything with an
open mind and with a sense of wonder. This is how I hope to show up this summer - with my eyes open to all of the amazing experiences and learning which I hope we will be able to share together.
I'm very excited for the chance to get to learn from all of you, and I look forward to connecting with many of you in the coming weeks!
Kol Tuv!