
Aug 19, 2009

Announcing the newest ShefaJournal: "Visions for USCJ"

Announcing the Newest ShefaJournal!
"Visions for USCJ (Vol. 2)"
available at (as a pdf)

In previous issues of ShefaJournal (all available at, there has been considerable attention paid to Masorti/Conservative thought, institutional structures, youth education, music, leadership, and most recently (Journal 5769:1) the structure of USCJ itself. Each of these dreams requires a systemic vehicle for communication and healthy movemental networks for strategic assessment. The current effort of HaYom: The Coalition for the Trasformation of Conservative Judaism, a collaboration of over 70 communities represented by rabbis and lay-members, is directed towards this goal, and is scheduled to convene during the week following this journal's publication.

This sixth journal of the ShefaNetwork is an edited compilation of recent ShefaNetwork responses to the question: "What must the USCJ become in order to foster a healthy institutional Conservative Movement focused on touching Conservative Jews' lives?" This may or may not be a question appropriate for the current mission statement of the USCJ, but it might also be a call for beginning that conversation anew, with an eye to the current (and possibly different) needs of the Conservative/Masorti Movement.

The mission of the Shefa Network is two‐fold:
To bring together dreamers from within the
Conservative Movement, and to give their
Dreams an audible voice.