
Aug 16, 2009

PENITENCE WITH PARTNERS: An Elul Couples Class at Netivot Shalom

(and other important folk)

A four-session couple's class at Netivot Shalom
August 27, September 3, 10, 17, 2009
Why are we often more polite to the mailman than to our spouse?  Why are we sometimes more ready to say "I'm sorry" to a stranger in the store than to our partner or family member?
Measured against casual relationships with work colleagues or people at schul, it's easy to think we have little or no need for improvement; that penitence is for other people.  It is in the proving ground of our primary relationships where our ongoing need for tshuvah is apparent.
Join Rabbi Menachem Creditor and Josh Gressel, Ph.D. for a four-session Elul class on Penitence with Partners.  Each session will be divided as follows:  in the first hour, Rabbi Creditor will teach from traditional Jewish texts on tshuvah, with a focus on how to apply these to primary relationships.  In the second hour, Josh will teach and demonstrate dialogs of repentance, after which everyone will practice with their partner.
This class requires pre-registration and registration will be limited.  It is necessary to sign up for all four dates and it will not be possible to allow drop-ins.  No one will be forced to speak publicly about their relationship and confidentiality and privacy will be maintained.
No partner/reluctant partner?  Come with siblings, good friends, parents or adult children.  Attended last year?  Make penitence with your partner an Elul rite.
Dates:  Thursdays, August 27, September 3, 10,  & 17 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Netivot.
Cost:  $100 per couple for all four sessions.  No one turned away for lack of funds.
Registration: Contact Josh at (92..., x 7 or e-mail him at
Build your relationship/Build our aron!
All proceeds go to toward building the new Netivot Shalom aron

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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