
Jul 27, 2012

Updated Times & Information for Tisha Be'Av at Netivot Shalom 5772

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Tisha Be'Av @CNS 5772


Dear Chevreh,


Tisha Be'av (the Ninth of Av), which begins this Saturday Night July 28th at 8:17pm, and ends on Sunday, July 29th at 9:17pm, is the day during which we remember and mourn the lost Jerusalem Temples.


As has been our tradition for the past 5 years, Netivot Shalom, Beth El, and Beth Israel share in the commemoration of Tisha Be'av during the day, living testimony that Tisha Be'Av's lesson of Jewish unity is one we commit to learning as a whole Jewish community. Please see the detailed schedule below.


Tradition has suggested that the following tragedies also occurred on Tisha Be'av: the negative report of the spies in the desert, the fall of Betar (the last holdout of the Jewish people in the Bar Kochba Revolt), the edict for the Spanish expulsion of Jews was issued, and World War I began. Historicity is perhaps less important than meaning here. Tisha B'Av is a day of loss. It is, simply said, a very sad day for the Jewish people.  On Tisha Be'Av itself, it is traditional to refrain from eating, drinking, bathing, intimacy, wearing leather shoes, and learning Torah (except for topics pertaining to the day).  


Tradition teaches us that those who remember the destruction of Jerusalem and feel the brokenness of the world will be part of their rebuilding.  May that be so, soon and in our days.


Kol Tuv,

Rabbi Creditor


Tisha Be'Av Schedule


Saturday Night, July 28th @CNS  

Fast Begins  8:17 pm

Ma'ariv* & Recitation of Eicha 9:45 pm


*The Chazzan says: "Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol" without mentioning the Divine Names. Anyone who didn't yet pray Maariv and didn't say "Attah Chonantanu" should say "Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol" before performing any actions prohibited on Shabbat. When we see candle-light (before the reading of Lamentations) we make the full blessing of "Boreh meorei ha'eish." The rest of Havdalah is not said until Sunday night after the Fast, when we only use the wine and no spices.


People should bring flashlights, and prepare to sit on the floor (if possible), as it is a traditional sign of mourning, which Tisha B'Av is for the entire Jewish People.  We will say the service, not sing it.  The tone for this evening is unique in Jewish tradition - soft, sad, and somber.  There is an additional tradition to not reach out to those around us, not even to greet others, sequestering ourselves somehow to alone-ness despite gathering together.  It is both magic and painful.  

Sunday, July 29 - morning and early afternoon at CBI
 9:00 am Shacharit for Tisha B'Av @ *CBI (according to the custom of Beth Israel 10:00 am Kinnot at *CBI, 1630 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94703)

11:30 am Special Tisha B'Av community learning @ *CBI with teachers from the larger Berkeley Jewish Community (see schedule of teachers below)    

1:15 pm Midday Chatzot @*CBI

7:50 pm Minchat with Tallit Tefillin @ CNS  

Community Learning @ CBI






11:30 am

R. Menachem Creditor:

Cultivating Fierce Love in the Face of Destruction: A Closer Reading of Metaphor in the Book of Eicha/Lamentations



Efrat Campagnano:

As For Me, Nearness to God is Good


12:30 pm

Noach Bittelman: 

The Sages Teach Divinely-Inspired Evolution - Destruction of the Temples and the Process of Transformation

Elishav Rabinovich:

Perhaps this Destruction is Actually Good? An Exploration in the Torah of Rebbi Nachman of Breslov


1:30 pm

Julie Seltzer:

Magnetism and Manifestation:

the Energetics of Time and Space


R. Yonatan Cohen:

Laugh It Off  -  

Post-Destruction Rabbinic Reinterpretations


2:30 pm

R. Yehuda Ferris:

Seeing the Glass Half Full - the Power of Positive Thinking

FILM SHOWINGS @Beit Midrash Ohr HaChaim


Beit Midrash Ohr HaChaim will be showing two films on Tisha B'Av afternoon, beginning at 3:15 p.m.


3:15 pm The True View--How seeing the good in others will help rebuild the Beit Hamikdash    

5:15 pm One Day in September- a film about the 1972 Munich Olympics and the massacre of Israeli athletes by Black September, a Palestinian terrorist group.


Community Sponsors:
Beit Midrash Ohr HaChaim,
Chabad of the East Bay, Chochmat HaLev, Congregation Beth El, Congregation Beth Israel, Congregation Netivot Shalom, Kevah, and Merkavah Torah Institute

Locations of events:
Congregation Beth Israel (CBI) 1630 Bancroft Way (corner of Jefferson & Bancroft)
Beit Midrash Ohr HaChaim
1380 Hopkins St., Berkeley
Congregation Netivot Shalom (CNS) 1316 University Ave. Berkeley


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