Todah Rabbah to Marcia Brooks, for stepping in to help in the front office while Rachel Schorr takes a (much needed and well-deserved) vacation! Marcia was here most of today and will return on Friday morning for additional office support.
Baruch HaBah to our Rabbinic Intern, Josh Buchin! Josh began his work today at Netivot Shalom, designing Adult Learning opportunities, scheduling some "shadowing" of Rabbi Creditor, planning some learning for Wednesday morning minyan, connecting with our Preschool, and gearing up to facilitate some Shabbat davening! When Rabbi Creditor leaves for vacation next week, Josh will be "on call" as a pastoral presence, supporting CNS members. His cell phone number will be available on Rabbi Creditor's office voice mail (510) 549-9447 x103. Stay tuned for more information, including great adult education offerings from Josh!
click to sign up!
It's officially Pride month! Congregation Netivot Shalom will join Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice in the LGBT Pride Parade on Sunday, June 30. The U.S. Supreme Court is set to release their decision on Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act before the end of June and before Pride. This will be an amazing opportunity to celebrate - or protest - the decision together. The entire Jewish community, including LGBT people and allies, will stand together for equality.
Please sign up to walk with us in the parade online at