Hello Friends.
As you know, it is time to come together once again in light of the one year anniversary of the December 14 tragedy in Newtown to tell our lawmakers that we support common sense measures to prevent gun violence in this country. We must let our lawmakers know that we will continue to sound the moral drumbeat until there is action. Please note that we invite faith and secular groups to join us as moral activists in this call-in day.Faiths Calling—Interfaith Call-in Day to Support Gun Violence Prevention—December 13thText "FaithsCalling" to 877-877 for a reminder message
Please send out word of our shared interfaith Call-in Day to Prevent Gun Violence on Friday, December 13th far and wide. Let's join together to call our Senators and say: It's been a year since Sandy Hook and another year of horrendous gun violence. Enough pain. Enough despair. Enough injustice. Enough inaction. We can and must transform our grief into action. We must vote again on and pass the compromise background check bill.
If you have joined us before, you are currently listed as a participating organization on our website. Please let us know if you would like us to take your organization off this list. If you have not joined us in the past, please let us know if you would like us to add you as a participating organization.
Website and Materials
We have created a website for this call-in day at www.faithscalling.org. At that website and attached to this email you will find a Faiths Calling marketing toolkit with some graphics and suggested language for your newsletters, Facebook, Twitter and blogs to help make it easy for you to share this call to action. Please spread the word to folks on your own team, your members and friends and to any partner organizations you think might be interested in participating. Don't forget a reminder on the 13th itself! When the day comes, we will update the website to enable participants to speak directly with their Senators at the click of a button. Please send us what you've shared so we can collaborate on best practices and celebrate our victories together.
Let's do this together! We need you to make this day a success.
Warm regards,
Rachel LaserRachel Laser
Deputy Director
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
2027 Massachusetts Ave N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Office 202-387-2800
Cell 202-907-7676
Use these blurbs for email, newsletters, etc.
It is the one year anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy. Join moral activists from coast to coast and urge your Senators to pass laws to prevent gun violence. On December 13th, call your Senators and tell them that we are committed to stopping the rampant gun violence problem in this country. Tell them that in memory of the children of Sandy Hook and the thousands of Americans killed every year by gun violence, we cannot afford inaction any longer. Text "faithscalling" to 877-877 to receive a text message reminder or visit www.faithscalling.org for more information. On December 13th, dial 1-855-438-2982 to be connected to your Senator.
Join moral activists from coast to coast and urge your Senators to pass laws to prevent gun violence. Text "faithscalling" to 877-877 to receive a text message reminder or visit www.faithscalling.org for more information. On December 13th, dial 1-855-438-2982 to be connected to your Senator.
Try these for Facebook:
On Friday, December 13th, join moral activists from coast to coast and urge your Senators to pass laws to prevent gun violence. In memory of the thousands of Americans killed every year by gun violence, we cannot afford inaction any longer. Ask for their support of the bipartisan Manchin-Toomey background bill. Text "faithscalling" to 877-877 to receive a text message reminder or visit www.faithscalling.org for more information. Dial 1-855-438-2982 to be auto-connected to your Senator.
Try these for Twitter:
Join #Faithscalling to end gun violence on Dec 13—text "faithscalling" to 877-877 or visit faithscalling.org
It's been one year since #Newtown. If not now, when? Dec 13 is Natl. Interfaith Call-in to end #gunviolence faithscalling.org
Join #FaithsCalling on Congress Dec 13 to prevent #gunviolence—text 877-877 or visit faithscalling.org
Since #Newtown a year ago, more than 11,000 Americans have been killed by #gunviolence. Take a stand at faithscalling.org #FaithsCalling
If not now, when? Dial 1-855-438-2982 or text "faithscalling" to 877-877 to urge your Senator to prevent #gunviolence
Dec 4, 2013
Faiths Calling—Interfaith Call-in Day to Support Gun Violence Prevention—December 13th
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