Two New Adult Classes at Netivot Shalom on Mikveh and Jewish Practice at Home!
CNS Adult Education Presents Two New Classes!
The Logistics of Jewish Practice in the Home &
Mikveh: the Mitzvah of Transformation
The Logistics of Jewish Practice in the Home
Thursdays, Jan. 23, Jan. 30, and Feb. 6
7:30 to 9pm in the CNS Library
This class is free and open to all.
Being Jewish is a way of life. We do not live our lives at the synagogue. How do we create the feel and reality of a Jewish life in our homes and families? Come to this class if you want to explore ways of creating a home that feels more Jewish. Whether single or partnered; gay, transgender, straight; with or without children--join us as we learn how to bring a stronger Jewish presence into our 21stcentury homes, traditional and nontraditional alike. Led by Robin Braverman, with contributions from others, The Logistics of Jewish Practice will address the how-to of many elements of Jewish practice at home, from building a Jewish library to how to make Shabbos at home and prepare for Pesach. The class will be directed towards the particular interests, questions and challenges of participants, so please send questions or topics in advance, along with your intent to register, to Robin Braverman
Mikveh: the Mitzvah of Transformation
with Judy Massarano
Mondays, March 3 and 10
7:30 to 9pm, in the CNS Library
Class fee: $20 ($10 per class). No one turned away for lack of funds.
Come learn the traditional roots of this mystical and practicalmayim mitzvah,as well as modern uses by people of all ages and genders. We will look at a variety of sources and engage in both group and chevruta (study partner) learning. To register for the class, please email