

Aug 6, 2015

Looking Forward to Returning to Shul!

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21 Menachem Av, 5775
August 6, 2015 

Dear Chevreh,

This summer has certainly been a full one for Netivot Shalom! It's been wonderful to receive reports of the ongoing learning and activities taking place back home. It's also been hard to be away during hard moments of loss and struggle in our community.

I am deeply grateful to our Rabbinic Intern, Josh Buchin, for his stellar leadership, as a warm, supportive rabbinic presence. It is no small thing to have a soul like his in our community, and I thank him - and the CNS Board for supporting his presence - for his hard work this past summer. Josh has, over these last three years as our rabbinic intern, brought great meaning to so many lives and moments. We're so blessed to have him as one of Netivot Shalom's spiritual guides.

The time I've spent away this summer, in Israel and now at Camp Ramah in New England, has been deeply meaningful, providing important and necessary opportunity for reflection and re-energizing. But, despite the magic of these other two holy Jewish places, I am very excited to return home and get back to shul. I regularly hear from others what a magnetic pull Netivot Shalom is in their lives. I know this well myself, especially after this time away. I look forward to seeing you all my first Shabbat back, August 22nd.

Friends, the coming year will find us hard at work to bring to life even more of our community's dreams. Rosh haShannah is just over a month away - and I just can't wait!
Rabbi Creditor
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Purim in a World that Already Feels Like Purim

Purim in a World that Already Feels Like Purim Rabbi Menachem Creditor Purim is a day of contradictions, a day when everything was supposed ...