I especially want to thank my UJA colleagues and family for supporting this idea from its early beginnings a million years ago in March, when the idea of a live broadcast was a new experiment. Mark & Eric, thank you for your trust and love.
Thank you to my holy wife Neshama, for being the home for my heart as I broadcast daily from my heart in our home. Thank you to my precious Abbah, Rabbi Gary Creditor, and my precious Emah, Ruby Eisenberg-Creditor, for showing up on my screen so many mornings. Thank you to the thousands of friends, new and old, who join us to create a more hopeful day, every day.
And thank You, Holy One, for the gift of today. We know You are calling us to do better right now, better than we've been doing for each other so far. We're in. This world must be (re)built by Love. Our love. We're ready.