Announcing a new Shabbat Morning Transliterated Siddur! Thanks to many, many Netivot Shalom members, a new tool for accessing Hebrew davening has been born! Special mention to Liza Kramer, an Amitim for Grownups alumna, for championing most recently, and spurring the publication of Siddur Tov leHodot: A Shabbat Morning Transliterated Siddur, we'll have 100 on our shul's shelves by next week! Copies will also be available for purchase in the shul office during regular hours beginning next week. If you'd like to support our community's commitment to this ongoing transliteration project, please click here! (please direct gifts to the Rabbinic Discretionary Fund) |
| | Tishrei 24, 5773 Oct. 10, 2012 Dear Chevreh,  Over 70 members of Netivot Shalom led the magical Chagim we've shared these last few weeks! Drashot, Davening, Shofar-blowing, Malachim-greeters, Youth Services, logistics, Torah Reading, Yom Kippur Appeals, Kiddushim - what an amazing chagim we have experienced, textured by our dynamic, participatory community! Todah Rabah to: - Claire Sherman, for organizing all of the Daveners for Rosh haShannah and Yom Kippur!
- Robin Braverman, for organizing all of the Torah/Haftorah Readers for Rosh haShannah and Yom Kippur!
- Marcia Brooks and Shari Rifas, for organizing kiddushim and break-the-fast!
- Eugene Berg and the ad-hoc House Committee, for moving and arranging and lifting and organizing our physical space!
- Joan Bradus and a small army of Angels/Malachim, for greeting the large crowd that filled our holy home all through the chagim!
- Milt Greenstein, Noah Ginsburg, Burt Dorman, Phyllis Press and Gabor Szesci for constructing (and deconstructing!) our beautiful Sukkah!
- Rachel Schorr and Lisa Gershony, for supporting every effort behind the scenes!
- Rabbi Shalom Bochner, for coordinating and leading our childcare & Youth/Family Services, with a team of wonderful professionals and volunteers!
There are very few communities in the world that dance, sing,  daven, and share with the consistency and intense passion we've created as a community. May this energize us to live up to some of the commitments we were inspired to make through the chagim!
Kol Tuv, Rabbi Creditor
--- Congregation Netivot Shalom |
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