
Oct 8, 2023

A Closing Reflection after a Terrible Day

A Closing Reflection after a Terrible Day

Oct. 8, 2023

Today was the longest 10 years of so many people's lives.
I can't fathom that this is real. I've witnessed interconnectivity and heroism in the face of true evil and mass atrocities. I stood with elected officials and interfaith clergy and felt seen and comforted. This didn't bring back the 700+ Israeli souls murdered by Hamas terrorists.
A crowd of several hundred in Northern Manhattan recited Kaddish with me this evening. And it still didn't reverse time and make sense of the world we suddenly inhabit. This didn't suddenly heal the 2,200+ physically wounded Israelis.
All around the world, including the Eiffel Tower, Downing Street, the Empire State Building, the capital building of Azerbaijan, the monuments in Buenos Aires, the Brandenburg Gate in Germany, the Israeli flag was projected in solidarity with Israel. This didn't suddenly return the hundreds of young and old people stolen from their homes.
The needs in Israel are extraordinary and will only grow. The days to come will be hard. And there are no simple next steps. But there are responses we can all tap into. We can help. We can give. We can rally. We can pray. We can reach out to family and friends in Israel. We can take care of ourselves. We can demand justice and fair representation in the media. It won't undo this terror. But it is something. And it will require all of our hearts and souls and might.
Nothing will be enough, and we'll get to work again tomorrow morning.
May God bless the State of Israel with peace.
May our children and our elders be returned home in safety very, very soon.
Bless you all.
Am Yisrael Chai - The People of Israel Lives.

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