Join Rabbi Menachem Creditor and Rabbi Daniel Kohn as we celebrate our freedom! We'll enjoy a catered feast, fine kosher wines, and deep teachings and conversations about the Exodus and it's meanings for us today on this birthday of the Jewish people.
already been downloaded over 1,000 times for use at seders everywhere this year!)
RSVP for the CNS Community Second Seder by Wednesday, March 20th (Final Deadline) to
$53/adult ||$37/child 10-2
$12/child 2-0 || $156/family
Payment Options- pay online at and use the "Make a Donation" tab and enter "Seder" in the description field or mail/drop-off your check to Congregation Netivot Shalom and write "Seder" on the memo line.
Congregation Netivot Shalom || 1316 University Ave. || Berkeley, CA 94702