Jul 27, 2012
One Family's Pain
Updated Times & Information for Tisha Be'Av at Netivot Shalom 5772
Updated Times & Information for Tisha Be'Av at Netivot Shalom 5772
Jul 20, 2012
‘The Chosen Island’: A Film the Jews of Cuba! - 4 p.m. Sunday, July 22 at JCC East Bay, 1414 Walnut St., Berkeley. Free. http://www.jcceastbay.org
'The Chosen Island'
Jews in Cuba have an elaborate history. They first arrived on the island to flee the Spanish Inquisition, and since then have assimilated, emigrated and endured. Through interviews with the Cuban Sephardic Jewish community, the film "The Chosen Island" takes viewers through the history and revival of the Cuban Jewish community. The film will have its Bay Area premiere at the JCC of the East Bay, followed by a talk by Maritza Corrales of Havana, an historian and authority on Cuban Jews.
4 p.m. Sunday, July 22 at JCC East Bay, 1414 Walnut St., Berkeley. Free. http://www.jcceastbay.org
From the Rabbinical Assembly: "A Meditation on the Tragedies of Recent Days"
Jul 18, 2012
A Prayer in Response to the Terror Attack in Bulgaria
A Prayer in Response to the Terror Attack in Bulgaria
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
July 2012 - Tammuz 5772
Dear God,
It is just too much. On the eighteenth anniversary of the attack that killed eighty-seven of our brothers and sisters in Buenos Aires, we have lost more of our family, this time in Bulgaria. Again. It is just too much.
So many people, on their way to enjoy Your world, Adonai... We know there is no sufficient answer, but we call out from the depths of our souls: Why? We cannot absorb the pain.
Today, we are made aware once more of the fragility of goodness and the urgency of peace. We are one family of many families, God. We are bound together with all families in a common life, in a dream of peace. And on days like this that dream shatters into almost irretrievable shards. We need You.
We mourn for our murdered sisters and brothers cut down today by evil. May their memories be a blessing, and may their souls be bound up in the bond of Life.
We pray for those injured. Merciful One, grant them the courage to continue their daily living.
We pray for the families of those who died today. Merciful One, we have no words, but we ask You to be a Comforting Presence with them.
We pray for the vigilance and care of emergency responders and medical professionals, tending to those local to the attack. God, guide their hands and hearts.
We pray that that our elected leaders respond with wisdom and justice, that this horrible event not hold us back - as the Jewish People and as citizens of the world - from helping each other to overcome the threat of terrorism.
Give us hope that one day terrorism will cease, Adonai. And give us the wisdom to do what is necessary to live in safety and peace until that day.
May our world be blessed with peace.
Jul 15, 2012
Don't Wear Your Tallit Like A Prayer Shawl! WOW Rosh Hodesh Av Newsletter
Jul 12, 2012
Sign Up for Jewels of Elul!
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