Books Edited by Rabbi Creditor:
- None Shall Make Them Afraid
- Holding Fast: Jews Respond to American Gun Violence
- Not by Might: Channeling the Power of Faith to End Gun Violence
- Peace in Our Cities: Rabbis Against Gun Violence
- amen? a prayer for more than thoughts and prayers
- We Will Not Be Wearied: A Prayer To End #GunViolence
- We Must Rebuild God's House by Saving Each Other's: A Spiritual Response to Charleston Huffington Post (June 18, 2015)
- "Today" -- A Rosh HaShannah Prayer to End Gun Violence - Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Guns and Jews - (Aug. 28, 2015)
- The Rabbinic Imperative to Confront American Gun Violence - Times of Israel (June 11, 2015)
- Gun Violence is a Moral Problem - Huffington Post (April 20, 2015)
- Jews and Gun Violence: An Update
Times of Israel (October 31, 2018)
- haYom Harat Olam: Today the World is Born: a Kavvanah
- "A Real Letter to an NRA Training Counselor"
- Rabbi Aaron Alexander, Rabbi Sharon Brous, Rabbi Ronit Tsadok, & Rabbi Menachem Creditor: "Be Like Busch: An Open Letter to the NRA Membership"
- "Washington and Treblinka: Fields of Memory"
- "The NRA is Funded by Gun Makers: In Defense of a Provocative Statement " (2/19/2013)
- A Prophetic Response to Gun Violence
- Rabbis Against Gun Violence Facebook Page
- Gun Violence and Judaism text-sheets
- The most recent shootings in the News
- Rabbi Joseph Meszler: A Prayer of Atonement
- Children’s Defense Fund: "Protect Children, Not Guns: The Truth About Guns"
- Mother Jones: "10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down"
- Pastor Michael McBride: "Leaving Fantasy Island: A Call for the Church to Respond to Gun Violence" (2/14/2013)
- JWeekly Opinion: "Gun debate must spur action, even if it’s imperfect" (2/14/13)
- Rabbi Aaron Alexander on Huffpost: "Gun Violence in Our Country: A Crisis for Every Single American" (2/14/13)
- Rabbi Michael Knopf: "The Idolatry of Gun Rights and Gun Control" (2/10/13)
- Pastor Michael McBride: "The moral mandates around gun control" (1/14/13)
- Pastor Michael McBride: "Gun Violence task Force Nust Address Inner Cities" (1/14/13)
- Mother of Noah Pozner Makes Emotional Anti-Gun Plea (1/28/13)
- "Cathedral dean leads assault-weapon ban press conference in prayer" (1/24/13)
- "MLK’s prophetic voice on gun violence" (1/21/13)
- Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D. and Jon Pahl, Ph.D. on Huffpost: "The Bible and the Second Amendment" (12/27/12)
- Rabbi Aaron Alexander on Huffpost: "Unnecessary Danger: A Reflection on Guns, Violence and Personal Safety" (12/21/12)
- Rabbi Julie Schonfeld: "Answer Our Prayers: Remarks at the National Cathedral Gun Violence Vigil" (12/21/12)
- Rabbi Gary Creditor: "The Blood of the Children Cries Out From the Ground" (12/21/12)
- Rabbi Jack Moline on ShefaNetwork: "On the Occasion of the Murders of Schoolchildren" (12/18/12)
- Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz: "Right to Bear Arms: A Text Study on Judaism and Gun Control"

- The Trace: Reporting on Guns and Gun Violence in America
- Rabbis Against Gun Violence
- Everytown for Gun Safety
- Brady Campaign
- Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
- Center for American Progress: Gun Violence Resources
- PICO National Network: Gun Violence Resources
- Gun Control Through a Jewish Lens (from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
- Gun Control Resources for Leaders in the Jewish Community (from the Conservative Jewish Rabbinical Assembly)
- Clergy Against Bullets
- Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence (click here for a list of the supporting denominations and organizations)