Resting Atop History
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Purifying it
from all the accumulated debris,
encoded in souls and scrolls,
hidden deep within.
Resting Atop History
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Purifying it
from all the accumulated debris,
encoded in souls and scrolls,
hidden deep within.
J. L. Gordon St: A One-Street Poem
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
I wander.
Just a normal morning walk
past coffee shops and cracked pavement,
pedestrians, dogs, and bicycles.
I lift up my eyes.
"Miklat Tzibori/Public Bomb Shelter"
on a sign over an agency
for handicapped children.
I wonder:
Can any morning walk
under such a reminder
be normal?
I lift up my eyes.
A construction site
for an already-sold out
apartment building,
a crane overhead
bearing its burden.
I wonder:
Has ever before
been dreamt into reality
such a holy tool,
capable of defying
the very ground upon which it stands?
I lift up my eyes.
The ocean,
crashing as it always has,
salt and water, remnants of
all that has ever been
all that is
all that will ever be.
I wander
down still-soft pavement,
remove my shoes,
revel in soft, warm sand,
soak in glorious sunshine,
rejoice at the sounds,
of my children's laughter.
And I know:
We are the cracked pavement,
the salt and the water,
the shelter and the laughter...
Eyes. Always. Lifted. Up.
A Comment on Justice and Israeli Democracy
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
sparked in conversation with Yehuda Kurtzer
Of course, 'justice' is so very complicated, and democracy is, at best, people reaching together towards a just, collective future. I defended (and continue to defend) Israel's right to defend itself militarily. I don't claim to know all of the security information the government has.
I also took public positions supporting Israeli investigations into Israel's conduct during the war, and write critically (as I did recently in reaction to Naftali Bennett's NYTimes Op-Ed and in reaction to the proposed Jewish State bill) when Israeli government officials take positions with which I disagree.
In the case of Israel's High Court invalidating Jewish converts' Jewish status based on their subsequent secular lifestyles, I believe the justices, duly appointed, made an unjust decision. Yes, it was reached through due process. But so was the US Supreme Court's terrible recent decision to gut the Voting Rights Act.
Perhaps this is similar to how some people differentiate between p'shat (exegesis) and drash (eisegesis): 'P'shat is what I say, and drash is what you say,' meaning: I support (and worry about) Israel's democracy, and don't always agree with what it produces.
Crosswalk Minyan
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Perched on this porch
God's Name
spelled in leather letters
on my arm and head
I pray with the minyan below
filling streets and crosswalks
driving buses, walking dogs.
To the prayers
their lives comprise
I say Amen.
Sitting at History's Intersection
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
I sit at history's intersection
gazing at my Jewish coffee and croissant,
my meal and I
baked, brewed, served, packaged
by distant sisters and brothers
born of a shared origin
destined to share a collective fate.
I am known fully
only right here,
a corner where the world, for once,
only exists in Hebrew translation.
Davening in a Grove
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
inspired by Rabbi Arthur Green
davening in a grove
trees and souls reaching
up and in
for light, for love
all of being
One now many
remembering our shared origins
in this paradise of a grove
it's hard to remember
which way is East
hoping in between sobs [#poem]
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
crying singing.
hands on the eastern wall of my shul,
touching every shul,
images of bloody tallitot haunt me
as I teach hatikvah to
a new generation of
irrational hopeful Jews
(just don't let them see me cry)
begging the cosmos for peace,
knowing it's irrational
demanding it anyway
(in between sobs, of course)
a quiet minyan
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
power quietly coursing
through this quiet minyan
suddenly I am aware
wind itself a whisper
loss and life and love
all mixed in fragrant air
nowhere else calls
for in this fleeting moment
everywhere, everything, everyone
is right here
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
knowing not
what is next
nor what is now
nor what really ever was
from your place,
from your familiar,
from your known,
from your very heart
to yourself,
that might be
Scarred Jewish Eyes Rabbi Menachem Creditor Those images are so familiar, because they were emblazoned into my eyes when I was young. I know...