Special Guest this Shabbat:
Rabbi Ari Leubitz, Head of School
at the Oakland Hebrew Day School (OHDS)
Rabbi Leubitz will deliver the Drash during services
this Shabbat morning at Netivot Shalom!
Save the Date:
A Netivot Shalom
Scholar in Residence Shabbat
with Israel Educator
Jared Goldfarb
Nov. 14th - 16th
Jared will be the Israel Educator for the
Netivot Shalom Mission to Israel this June!
(itinerary, pricing, and registration
and Save the Date:
A Special Evening
with Rabbi Arthur Green
world renowned scholar of Jewish Mysticism,
Rector of the Hebrew College Rabbinical School
Sunday, Nov. 23rd, 7:30pm
at Congregation Netivot Shalom
cosponsored by Congregation Beth El, Congregation Beth Israel,
and Congregation Netivot Shalom
Our Cellophane Lives
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Neat, manicured lawns,
canopies of planted trees,
can only conceal for a time
the raw, untamed life that would otherwise be.
Every shrink-wrapped 'natural' product,
a shadow of a pulse
pretending to be real.
What is true
peeks through
our cellophane lives,
calling to be
unwrapped and realized.
° menachemcreditor.org
° netivotshalom. org