

May 27, 2020

A Prayer for Today: "In the midst of it all"

A Prayer for Today: 
"In the midst of it all"
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Hebrew translation by Shemaya Shiloh-Phillips 

in the midst of it all
despite it all
because of it all
because there is an all
Thank You, Holy One.

בקרב כולם
למרות הכל
בגלל הכל
שיש הכל
תודה לך, קדוש
(ריבונו של הכל)

#intention #gratitude #prayer

Poured it all out today.

Poured it all out today. Taught from Abraham Joshua Heschel's "Religion and Race" in response to the murder of George Floyd. We have to earn our right at the base of God's Holy Mountain. As Heschel taught in 1963, "That equality is a good thing, a fine goal, may be generally accepted. What is lacking is a sense of the monstrosity of inequality." We have much work ahead friends, to recognize God's Image is the universal human condition, and that an act of violence is an act of blasphemy.

May 17, 2020

Olam Chesed Yibaneh, covered by Cantor Lisa Peicott​ of Wilshire Boulevard Temple​

What a day... every once in a while, I search YouTube for "Olam Chesed Yibaneh", sort by upload date, and am overwhelmed. This take on my soul's song by Cantor Lisa Peicott​ of Wilshire Boulevard Temple​, interspersed with images of light, color, and heroism is just right for these days of pause. Let's keep going, friends - keep building, keep loving, keep singing!
#OlamChesedYibaneh #BuildOnLove

May 8, 2020


Menachem Creditor

Those faces
on the screen are real:
real people,
real faces.

God's Eyes, everywhere.
God's Heart, everywhere.


A Poem "For When the World is Masked"

For When the World is Masked
Menachem Creditor

Deep, powerful feelings can be reawakened.
Even when the world is masked.

It can be a song.
Or the wind.
Or pairs of eyes on a screen, all facing out.

And, if tears then flow,
welcome them with a re-opened heart.


An honor to share blessing and Torah this Friday morning! #WhiteShirt #MustBeFriday #ShabbatShalom

An honor to share blessing and Torah this Friday morning! 
#WhiteShirt #MustBeFriday #ShabbatShalom

May 7, 2020

Boker Tov! Good Morning! What a blessing to share some song and Torah this Thursday morning!

Boker Tov! Good Morning! What a blessing to share some song and Torah this Thursday morning! I can't express how good it feels to connect with so many beautiful people every weekday at 9am on the UJA-Federation Facebook page (facebook.com/ujafedny)!

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