Dear Friends,
“All Who Can Protest: A Rabbinic Call to End The American Gun Violence Epidemic” is now live! My fellow editors Rabbis Rachel Timoner, Michelle Dardashti, and Isaiah Rothstein and I are deeply appreciative of the 37 new contributions from rabbinic colleagues representing a rich tapestry Jewish expression, united in voice to End the American Gun Violence Epidemic. The second section of the book contains excerpts from the first 3 Rabbis Against Gun Violence anthologies: Peace in Our Cities (2013), Not By Might (2016), and Holding Fast (2018).
For the Table of contents and contributor bios, click here: https://tinyurl.com/AllWhoCanProtest01 )
Paperback: https://www.amazon.
Hardcover: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4G37K3L
(The Kindle version will likely not be available for a month or so.)
Especially today, when the Senate might sign into law the first (very small) step forward on American Gun Reform and when the US Supreme Court blocked New York's law banning guns in public, we know we have much work to do together.
We're proud to amplify each other's voices in society, and are ready to continue this urgently important work in the world.
Please share news of the book’s publication, tagging fellow authors, so that we can generate good buzz and strong circulation!
For now, dear friends, from our hearts, thank you.
May our world be blessed with health, safety, dignity, and peace.
Kol Tuv,