

Oct 26, 2023

The Volunteer Army at the UJA-Federation of NY Jerusalem Campus for the Arts

Just hours after the horrific attacks by Hamas, a student at the UJA-Federation of NY Jerusalem Campus for the Arts asked the director of the Nissan Nativ Acting Studio — one of the schools located on the campus — if he could use the building to coordinate a volunteer response. Since then, efforts have ballooned, with about 1,000 volunteers every day.  

The Jerusalem Campus for the Arts, a UJA initiative, opened its doors in November 2022 as a diverse, inclusive center for creative collaboration. Today, it’s a wartime command center.

Every corner is filled with grass-roots organizations and groups of people — young and old who have not been called up for service — thinking, mobilizing, and creatively collaborating.

Volunteers are relocating families who’ve had to flee their homes. They’re collecting and putting together care packages for those whose homes have been destroyed. They’re raising funds for soldiers who desperately need gear, equipment, and personal care items and they’re organizing transportation for them to get to and from their bases. And students from the Nissan Nativ Acting Studio are traveling throughout the country to displaced families, babysitting and performing to distract children.  

The Nissan Nativ Acting Studio has also become an overnight shelter. Jerusalem families without safe rooms are spending their nights here — every night, indefinitely, with 24/7 security.  

The Jerusalem Campus for the Arts was built for creative collaboration. Now, this collaboration is saving lives. 

Praying for Israel: Abram the Ivri and his Descendants #Broadcast913

Oct 25, 2023

Announcing the Publication of Am Yisrael Chai: Poems, Prayers, and Essays - 94 Authors, One Heart - United in Solidarity with Israel

Announcing the Publication of 

Am Yisrael Chai: Poems, Prayers, and Essays

94 Authors, One Heart - United in Solidarity with Israel

edited by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
artwork by Joanne Fink

for Kedoshei Yisrael, our fallen ones, whose blessed memories will never fade.

for Am Yisrael, the Jewish People, our family all over the world.

for Medinat Yisrael, the State of Israel, our home, now and forever.

Am Yisrael Chai is an emergency response anthology of voices from all over the world, grieving and writhing from the horrors perpetrated upon the State of Israel on Simchat Torah 5784, October 7, 2023. Unfathomably terrible images are now forever emblazoned in our eyes, spread through social media where children have seen them as well. The entire Jewish world is in trauma. This was not Poland in 1942. It was 9 days ago in the State of Israel. We bear witness. We must. This is a book of testimony and recollection, response and prayer. That’s why the collection bears the title Am Yisrael Chai. This is our life – and we share it, recommitting to life itself, fighting for it, praying for it. 

In the immediate aftermath of trauma, one cannot be expected to be thoughtful, mindful, creative. And yet you hold a collection of soulful and eloquent expressions of pain and Global Jewish Solidarity make the choice of title for this collection even more clear, and emphatic: Am Yisrael Chai!

As of the moment this manuscript went to print, a mere 9 days after the atrocity that struck our people in the heart, UJA-Federation of New York has raised over 85 million dollars from donors in support of our Emergency Israel Campaign, and we have already allocated 22 million of it to organizations on the ground in Israel who are supporting those in harm’s way, those in dire need, and those who have lost family members. We are there in a profound way, to help our People in this dark time. All proceeds from this book project will support UJA-Federation of NY’s Emergency Israel Campaign.

We will never bring back those whose lives we have lost. There are too many new stars in the sky. But we lift up our eyes to Heaven and we will remember them as a blessing. We will, as our hearts regain strength, heal that which has been broken. But we will never, not ever, be the same.

May this collection be of real support to our sisters and brothers, our parents, our grandparents, and most of all - our children.

May the Holy One bless Medinat Yisrael, the State of Israel, Reisheet Tz’michat Ge’ulateinu, the beginning of the flourishing of our redemption.

May our family see better days very, very soon.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Morning Torah 🇮🇱 #Broadcast912 #AmYisraelChai


Oct 18, 2023

President Biden's News Conference in Israel | Wednesday, October 18 2023


QUICK GUIDE Search the Video Library SCHEDULE TV NETWORKS RADIO PODCASTS APP DONATE All Series American History TV Book TV Washington Journal Congress Executive Supreme Court LOGIN X OCTOBER 18, 2023 President Biden Holds News Conference in Israel “I come to Israel with a single message, you are not alone,” said President Biden during his remarks on U.S. support for Israel during his trip… read more Report Video Issue https://www.c-span.org/video/?531206-1/president-biden-holds-news-conference-israel Share This Video Clip Bookmark To MyC-SPAN Embed Clipping Guide Text type Filter by Speaker Search this text 00:00:16 Good afternoon. Please have a seat. I come to Israel with a single message. You're not alone. You are not alone as long as the United States stands... Show Full Text 00:15:48 Mr President. What is your red line that would prompt us military involvement in this war? *This text was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning. PEOPLE IN THIS VIDEO Antony "Tony" J. Blinken Secretary Department of State HOSTING ORGANIZATION White House More information about President Biden Holds News Conference in Israel Purchase a Download President Biden Holds News Conference in Israel FEATURED CLIPS FROM THIS VIDEO Post Image 10:11 AM President Biden to Send Supplemental Request for Israel to Congress Later This Week Speaking in Tel Aviv, President Biden vows to protect Israel and make it safe again. He also announces that he will… 1 MINUTE185 VIEWS RELATED VIDEO Secretary Blinken News Conference with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu OCTOBER 12, 2023 Secretary Blinken News Conference with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu While Israel could defend itself against attacks from Hamas, the U.S. would be offering military and diplomatic aid,… Secretary Blinken Comments to Reporters Before Traveling to Israel and Jordan OCTOBER 11, 2023 Secretary Blinken Comments to Reporters Before Traveling to Israel and Jordan Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to reporters before flying to Israel and Jordan for meetings with their… Secretary Blinken News Conference on Middle East Peace JANUARY 31, 2023 Secretary Blinken News Conference on Middle East Peace Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke about his meetings with Middle East leaders to advance the peace process and… Secretary Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Give Remarks JANUARY 30, 2023 Secretary Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Give Remarks Secretary of State Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave brief remarks following their meeting in… USER CREATED CLIPS FROM THIS VIDEO President Biden to Send Supplemental Request for Israel to Congress Later This Week OCTOBER 18, 2023 President Biden to Send Supplemental Request for Israel to Congress Later This Week 1 MINUTE185 VIEWSbiden hamas evil OCTOBER 18, 2023 User Clip: biden hamas evil 32 SECONDS6 VIEWStruman stand by your side OCTOBER 18, 2023 User Clip: truman stand by your side 23 SECONDS4 VIEWSaid to palestinian OCTOBER 18, 2023 User Clip: aid to palestinian 1 MINUTE4 VIEWSView all clips from this video ABOUT C-SPAN Our Mission Our History Cameras In The Court Milestones Leadership Jobs In The Community Video Library Viewer Guide RESOURCES C-SPAN Classroom Blog Series A-Z Press Center FAQs Contact Us Shop C-SPAN's Book Collection World Legislatures MyC-SPAN Login C-SPAN Now App Download Download C-SPAN Podcasts FOLLOW C-SPAN Twitter © 2023 National Cable Satellite Corporation Copyrights and LicensingTerms and ConditionsPrivacy Sponsored Video Sponsored by Advertising Partner Sponsored Video Sponsored by Advertising Partner Sponsored Video Sponsored by Advertising Partner Sponsored Video Sponsored by Advertising Partner

[For Israel] Believing What You See #Broadcast907 🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱

Oct 8, 2023

A Closing Reflection after a Terrible Day

A Closing Reflection after a Terrible Day

Oct. 8, 2023

Today was the longest 10 years of so many people's lives.
I can't fathom that this is real. I've witnessed interconnectivity and heroism in the face of true evil and mass atrocities. I stood with elected officials and interfaith clergy and felt seen and comforted. This didn't bring back the 700+ Israeli souls murdered by Hamas terrorists.
A crowd of several hundred in Northern Manhattan recited Kaddish with me this evening. And it still didn't reverse time and make sense of the world we suddenly inhabit. This didn't suddenly heal the 2,200+ physically wounded Israelis.
All around the world, including the Eiffel Tower, Downing Street, the Empire State Building, the capital building of Azerbaijan, the monuments in Buenos Aires, the Brandenburg Gate in Germany, the Israeli flag was projected in solidarity with Israel. This didn't suddenly return the hundreds of young and old people stolen from their homes.
The needs in Israel are extraordinary and will only grow. The days to come will be hard. And there are no simple next steps. But there are responses we can all tap into. We can help. We can give. We can rally. We can pray. We can reach out to family and friends in Israel. We can take care of ourselves. We can demand justice and fair representation in the media. It won't undo this terror. But it is something. And it will require all of our hearts and souls and might.
Nothing will be enough, and we'll get to work again tomorrow morning.
May God bless the State of Israel with peace.
May our children and our elders be returned home in safety very, very soon.
Bless you all.
Am Yisrael Chai - The People of Israel Lives.

A Prayer for Right Now

A Prayer for Right Now

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Oh, God, how can any of this be?

How can people act in such depraved, evil ways?
These images, seared into my eyes, should never be, never have been. And yet, they are now in me forever.

Everywhere I turn,
someone's grandmother has been kidnapped,
someone's sister has been murdered,
someone's student has been murdered,
a mayor has been murdered,
atrocities upon children
atrocities upon the bodies of our sisters and brothers...

those who survived
hid in dark rooms for 10 hours of terrified silence
evoking trauma I dare not name
and dare not forget

and mad glee in the eyes of terrorists,
celebrations of terrible hurt caused.

Oh, God, save me from the rage and grief overwhelming me. Push me to seek strict justice, even through force, but save me from my soul's ache for revenge.

May the evil ones be wiped from the earth.
May our children and grandparents and students and friends be brought home in safety.
May we somehow emerge from this.
God, please.
Just anything, God, please.
But not this.

not this.

Oct 5, 2023

**Very Special Announcement** Announcing the publication of: The Consequences of Listening: Selected Writings 2018-2022

The Consequences of Listening:
Selected Writings 2018-2022

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

paperback: amazon.com/dp/B0CKHWXWM7
hardcover: amazon.com/dp/B0CKJ12ZRK

This book is not quite an intentional record of a Global Pandemic and an American Insurrection during four intense years of human history. But I can’t imagine these swirling feelings didn’t find their ways into my words. Writing has always been a release for my soul, a way of reaching out to the Divine and to community, to my ancestors and to my descendants, and, more and more to my own soul. I learned so much as I poured these words out over. So very much. It means the world to me that these words – written during a time that travels forward within me – have reached others. Perhaps we will meet one day with eyes that have seen a thing or two, and perhaps we’ll smile. I sure hope so. For now, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to share with you this new volume of my writing.

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