Apr 30, 2012
New Adult Class: People, God, and Whirlwinds: Wisdom from the Book of Job
On the 10th Anniversary of my Rabbinic Ordination
Apr 25, 2012
Apr 24, 2012
Tomorrow (Wed., Apr 25): "Ma Nishma Israel?!" Free Playback Theater performance @6pm @Netivot Shalom!
One People, Many Voices! Kol Truah in Concert at Congregation Netivot Shalom! May 6th, 3:00 pm
Apr 22, 2012
letter to J Weekly in response to "Peter Beinart waves the Zionist flag in JCCSF talk" (April 20)
Apr 20, 2012
Berkeley Community-Wide Yom haZikaron and Yom Ha'atzam'ut 5772
Cosponsored by Congregations Netivot Shalom, Beth Israel, & Beth El
At Netivot Shalom (1316 University Ave, Berkeley)
Click here for the flyer - http://tiny.cc/yomhaatzmaut5772
7:15-8:00: Commnal Ceremony Marking Yom haZikaron
8:00-8:45: Celebratory Ma'ariv(s) for Yom haAtzmaut!
1. According to the Custom of Beth Israel: Social Hall (1st floor)
2. According to the Custom of Netivot Shalom: Sanctuary (1st floor)
- How Well Do YOU Know Israel? Israel Trivia
Trivia with Lenny Kristal (Sanctuary – 1st floor)
- Becoming Necessary: The Potential Gifts of the Diaspora to Israel
A conversation facilitated by Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch (Classroom – 2nd Floor)
- Some of My Favorite Israeli Songs!
A sing-along with Claire Sherman (Library – 2nd Floor)
Coming Early? 6:00-7:15: Playback Theater Presents: "Ma Nishma Israel?" Ma Nishma Israel is a Playback theatre performance dedicated to conversation about the state of Israel. Audience members are invited to share personal stories and associations are related to their connection to Israel. Personal stories about: conflicted emotions, longing, connection, inspiration, disappointment, Jewish identity, values, community, peace, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, hope, freedom of speech, home and family.
What is Playback Theater? Playback Theatre is an improvisational theatre based on audience members' stories. The actors and musician will transform these stories into theatrical scenes using movement, ritual, music, and spoken improvisation. The audience tells, the actors perform!
Apr 19, 2012
Yom HaShoah veHagevurah 5772: "Stop. Then Go."
JTA: "Israel’s Masorti movement to ordain gays and lesbians as rabbis "
JTA: "Israel's Masorti movement to ordain gays and lesbians as rabbis"
April 19, 2012
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Gay and lesbian students will be ordained as Conservative rabbis in Israel.
The Board of Trustees of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary voted Thursday night to accept gay and lesbian students for ordination beginning with the 2012-13 academic year. The Conservative movement in Israel is known as Masorti.
A seminary statement said the decision comes following a "long process."
"The Schechter Rabbinical Seminary views the serious process leading to this decision as an example of confronting social dilemmas within the framework of tradition and halachah," or Jewish law, Hanan Alexander, chair of the seminary's Board of Trustees, said in the statement. "This decision highlights the institution's commitment to uphold halachah in a pluralist and changing world."
Students are ordained by a beit din, or rabbinical court, made up of three members of the Rabbinic Advisory Committee of the seminary, all of whom are members of the Rabbinical Assembly of the Masorti/Conservative movement. The beit din members are chosen by the candidate and subject to the approval of the seminary's dean. They have different opinions regarding the ordination of gay and lesbian students, according to the seminary.
"This unique mechanism is an expression of halachic pluralism, one of the founding principles of SRS," the seminary said in its statement. "The Seminary is a religious institution of the Masorti/Conservative Movement, bound by Halacha, whose inclusive approach allows for a variety of Halachic opinions."
Do You Have an incoming Eighth Grader Looking for a Truly Remarkable Summer Experience with other Jewish Teens from Across the Country?
USY on Wheels East
A Summertime Adventure for 8th Graders
USY on Wheels, East will cover the East coast of the United States and Canada on an incredible four-week adventure in Summer 2012.
Open to current 8th graders, highlights of the program include*:
Toronto ☺ New England ☺ Cape Cod ☺ Disney World ☺ Washington, D.C. ☺ Savannah, GA ☺Philadelphia ☺ Kennedy Space Center ☺ Touro Synagogue ☺ Hockey Hall of Fame ☺ Quincy Market ☺ Howe Caverns ☺ Virginia Beach ☺ Norfolk Naval Base ☺ Nashville Zoo ☺ Great Lakes Science Center ☺ and more!
- Click here to read more about the day-to-day activities for this group during the Summer of 2011.
- Click here to download a sample itinerary for USY on Wheels, East.
- Click here to read Frequently Asked Questions about USY Summer Programs.
David Kaplan
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
1316 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
Mobile: (408) 892-2732
E-mail: DKaplan@uscj.org
April 29: Spring Kadima Day- Yom Great America! - Click here to REGISTER NOW!!
May 17-20: USY May Convention - Redwood City, CA Click here to REGISTER NOW!!
62nd USY International Convention
Boston--December 23-27, 2012
Apr 17, 2012
American Rabbis to Methodist Church: Don't Divest!
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