

Mar 22, 2013

National Day to Demand Action is March 28th #60votes @piconetwork @rabbiassembly #nowisthetime @whitehouse #VPOTUS

Dear Rabbi Menachem,

My name is Stephen Barton, and I'm a survivor of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. I want to tell you about something important that happened last night.

After months of debate, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced a comprehensive gun reform bill and made it clear that any bill that seeks to address gun violence must require background checks for all gun sales in America.1

This is a big moment, but it begs an even bigger question: Do we have 60 votes to pass gun reform in the Senate?

Sadly, right now, the answer is no. And that's where you and I come in.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns is organizing a National Day to Demand Action on March 28th. Senators will be at home for the Easter/Passover recess, and they need to hear from us. We need to attend events, make calls, and come together to make sure our elected officials don't give in to pressure from the NRA.

Will you commit to calling your Senators on March 28th to support background checks and join the National Day to Demand Action?

RSVP for the National Day of Action

Background checks save lives and keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. They are the single most import reform we can pass to stop 33 people from being murdered with guns every single day in this country.

Yesterday, I joined Vice President Biden, Mayor Bloomberg and family members of victims from the Newtown shooting for a press conference about gun reform. The Vice President shared some emotional words with the families and some strong words of praise for the work Mayors Against Illegal Guns has done to keep the pressure on Congress.

It made me feel proud. But it also made me want to get out there and make sure we pass this bill. I hope you will join me.

We need 60 votes to make sure this bill moves forward, and your Senators are crucial to that total.

Will you join the National Day to Demand Action on March 28th? Pledge to call your Senators in support of common sense gun reform, including background checks:


Congress doesn't move fast, but when it moves, it's up to us to make sure it doesn't slow down or lose its nerve in the face of special interests.

Thank you for fighting with me and all the other survivors and family members of victims who are working to end gun violence.

Stephen Barton
Mayors Against Illegal Guns

P.S. -- Want to call your Senators right now? Use this call tool to connect immediately!

1. "Reid unveils outline of gun bill," USA Today, March 21, 2013.


A campaign of Mayors Against Illegal Guns | About Us 

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