Aug 29, 2014
Aug 28, 2014
What Kind of "Justice, Justice" Do You Pursue?
The Torah portion Shoftim (Judges) juxtaposes ritual purity with social justice. What can human rights activists learn from the Torah's wisdom to heal a world set on fire by societal ills like Ferguson's racism, and ISIS' & Hamas' terrorism?
Aug 24, 2014
"Overwhelmed by Argument" with Josh Kornbluth and Rabbi Menachem Creditor Videos are now online!
Aug 20, 2014
This Sunday at CNS! "First Encounters: An Afternoon of Learning convened by Shma (featuring Robert Alter, Sarah Lefton, Deena Aranoff, Susan Berrin, Dan Schifrin, Rabbi Stuart Kelman, and Rabbi Menachem Creditor)

Ferguson and Israel: One Rabbi's Reflection
Ferguson and Israel: One Rabbi's Reflection
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
On the one hand, there's no comparison. No group or individual's pain is the same. But, given the media's part in the chaos of violence in Ferguson and Israel, observers' readiness to categorize those fighting for their dignity, their children's very lives, and given the sense of the world not 'getting it,' Black and Brown Americans can understand what Jews have experienced throughout time and in these harrowing days, as missiles and bullets fly, media spins, and people judge without any understanding the facts on the ground.
One more linkage between Ferguson and Israel: Restraint. The raw power of those under assault could easily explode but is instead being channeled by the clear moral thinking of leaders in an impossible situation.
Since none of us are sleeping, perhaps we can be anxious in solidarity, navigating our ways through unending night.
We will see better days, my sisters and brothers. We will overcome these horrors. We must.
° netivotshalom. org
Aug 19, 2014
Never Again is Right Now
Never Again is Right Now
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
"For every thing there is a time." For Jews, now is the time realize that, though we have our passionate inner tensions as a People, the world sees us as one thing, one group deserving of hatred, unworthy of self-determination, an ever-displaced People. No more. We are wanderers no more. We have come home, and we will defeat those who try to kill us. And there are those in this world who want to kill us. They are trying tonight though missiles, they tried today by savagely beating a Swedish woman for wearing a Jewish star necklace, they tried yesterday by attacking a synagogue in Geneva, and they tried last week by declaring an "Israeli-free zone" in England. It is that brutally simple.
Peace is a commitment the Jewish People makes to the world. But it is a commitment premised upon us being alive to fulfill it. And we have no intention of dying. We've got work to do, ancient work under incomprehensible trials.
Never Again is not a past-tense commitment for a Jew. Never Again is right now.
Aug 18, 2014
Conservative Movement Solidarity Mission to Israel: First Day Update
Calling all Pounding Hearts
Calling all Pounding Hearts
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
If only the world weren't on fire
then my heart would stop pounding.
But if both fire and pounding heart are true,
then we know two things:
we are alive and we are needed.
Calling all pounding hearts:
Keep beating.
There's a consuming fire
burning out there.
And we'll never make it
if you give up.
Aug 16, 2014
The Jewish People as a Tribal Family: an iEngage Conversation
Aug 15, 2014
Two Years After Ghana
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
° netivotshalom. org
Aug 14, 2014
Strong Enough for Conversation
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Here's what I believe: we are strong enough to be who we are. There's nothing less than the world at stake, and toward that vital task, I'm done making my advocacy about trying to change minds. Instead, I'm speaking my truth, and if it changes minds, fine.
So, when someone I love challenges me, I have to decide if that's a conversation worth having. If they're asking me how I feel, then I'll participate. If their goal is to tell me my feelings are illegitimate, they're not really my friend. As we learn in Pirkei Avot (an ancient Jewish text): "Love that is conditional won't last. Love that is unconditional will last."
Perhaps some of the arguments we've been in are not actually conversations, nor affirming. We should be speaking our truths, not debating, if we want to be part of the conversation our broken world truly needs.
Aug 13, 2014
Links for "Overwhelmed by Argument: The Conversation I Want to Have Now"
- Peter Beinart: What would U.S. do if under rocket attack? A double standard worth examining (Ha'aretz, Aug. 5, 2014)
- Peter Beinart: Who are the true Jewish allies of Hamas (Ha'aretz, Aug. 6, 2014)
- Ari Shavit: In this sad war story, Israel is in the right (Ha'aretz, July 24, 2014)
- Ari Shavit: How will Israel deal with Hamas’ secret weapon? (Ha'aretz, Aug. 7, 2014)
Aug 8, 2014
Pro Israel, Pro Peace
Aug 7, 2014
Aug 5, 2014
Toward Jewish Healing and Post-Tisha-Be'Av Re-entry into the Universe
Toward Jewish Healing and Post-Tisha-Be'Av Re-entry into the Universe
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
There MUST be Jewish space and time for Jews to mourn Jewishly for Jews. We spend so much soul-power being universalist activists, as we must, as Judaism calls us to do. The universe is big enough for our particular pain too. Only then, when we unabashedly cry as Jews for Jews as we unabashedly cry as Jews for humans, can we claim to be healing this deeply broken world - as Jews.
Aug 2, 2014
Now Published: The Hope: American Jewish Voices in Support of Israel
Shira Dicker, Jonathan Horowitz, Nora Gold, Leah Israel, Rabbi Ben Goldstein, Rabbi David Baum, Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin, Rabbi Mordecai Finley, Rabbi Yael Splansky, Rich Moline, Alyssa Pinsker, Michael M. Rosen, Debra S. Rappaport Rosen, Rabbi Adam Raskin, Rabbi Michael Adam Latz, Josh Buchin, Rabbi Dan Cohen, Esther D. Kustanowitz, Rabbi Steven C. Wernick, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Stacey Robinson, Talia Liben Yarmush, Tamar Barbash, Rabbi Menachem Creditor, Rabbi Michael Berk, Rabbi David Ackerman, Rabbi Mark Bloom, Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner, Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs, Yael Massen, Erika Dreifus, and Alden Solovy
1 Introduction: The End of Theory
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
7 Cataclysm from Left Field
Shira Dicker
11 Have No Fear at All
Jonathan Horowitz Jo Ho
15 Sirens and Solidarity as Rockets Fly from Gaza to Israel
Nora Gold
19 I chose this life
Leah Israel
23 One Nation, One Heart
Rabbi Ben Goldstein
27 Reviewing Our Difficult Journey
Rabbi David Baum
35 It’s Hard to Pray for Peace
Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin
39 A letter to friends who want to understand
what is happening in Gaza
Rabbi Mordecai Finley
45 Dream Treaties
Rabbi Yael Splansky
49 So May it Be
Richard S. Moline
57 The Accidental Zionist
Alyssa Pinsker
65 Why We’re Moving Our Family
into a War Zone
Michael M. Rosen
& Debra S. Rappaport Rosen
71 I’m Done Apologizing for Israel
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
75 Reflections upon Returning from Israel
Rabbi Adam Raskin
85 Comfort Our People,
Compassion for All God’s People
Rabbi Michael Adam Latz
& Rabbi Menachem Creditor
89 Israel: A Triptych
Esther Kustanowitz
101 Seeking Balance in a Time of Disequilibrium:
Thoughts for Tisha B’Av 2014
Rabbi Steven Wernick
107 Battling Hate on All Fronts
Rabbi Rick Jacobs
113 My Heart is in the East
Stacey Robinson
119 What Can I Do?
Talia Liben Yarmush
123 Two Words
Tamar Barbash
127 The Heart and Soul of Israel
Rabbi Michael Berk
131 The Key Word is “And”
Rabbi David Ackerman
135 Red Alert Jerusalem
Rabbi Mark Bloom
139 We Stand Together
Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner
143 Why I am Going to Germany
Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs
Poems and Prayers
149 I Know You Sleep In A Bomb Shelter
Yael Massen
150 A Prayer for these 90 Seconds
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
151 Questions for the Critics
Erika Dreifus
152 Prayers for Israel, for Peace, for Humanity
Rabbi Michael Adam Latz
158 A Prayer for Hope
Stacey Robinson
160 For Peace in the Middle East
Alden Solovy
163 Contributors
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