Oct 30, 2020
Oct 29, 2020
Oct 28, 2020
This morning, I woke unsure. Some mornings are like that. But promises made are gifts as well, so I showed up and felt the warmth of friends. We greeted each other learned and learned a bit. Then I signed off and felt unsure again. My holy wife found me feeling all the feelings, listening to intense spiritual music, and she held me and comforted me, gave me some solid wisdom and gentle care. So I guess there are a few truly beautiful things I do feel sure of, even (and especially) when I feel unsure. Upwards, friends. Onward. Let's feel the feelings, and build the world a little more lovingly today.
Oct 27, 2020
Today is a heavy day.
Today is a heavy day. And, so, in the name of those we've lost to #COVID and #GunViolence, and in the name of those whose futures feel more uncertain today than they did yesterday, I commit to cultivating kindness - within myself and for those around me. One way I've labored to amplify the courageous voices of others is by collecting voices as witness to these real, lived moments and publishing them to demonstrate the patterns of shared experience we might not otherwise realize. May we be blessed to look within and see in our hearts the strength to love each other and our world more and more and more.
When We Turned Within (Vol 1): amazon.com/dp/B089TS37YP
When We Turned Within (Vol 2): amazon.com/dp/B08L9S68T4This Thursday at noon (Eastern), join my co-editor Sarah Tuttle-Singer and our friend from MyJewishLearning, Inc., Julie Seltzer for a book talk on the When We Turned Within project!
Oct 26, 2020
Oct 23, 2020
Oct 22, 2020
So moved by my conversation today with dear friend and co-editor Sarah Tuttle-Singer about our new book series, When We Turned Within (Volumes 1 & 2).
So moved by my conversation today with dear friend and co-editor Sarah Tuttle-Singer about our new book series, When We Turned Within (Volumes 1 & 2). The experience of swimming in the hearts and souls of the 165 contributors to Volume 1 and the 107 contributors to Volume 2 has been at once overwhelming, grief-full, inspiring, and a profound honor. My deep thank to Sarah and our fellow authors for offering of themselves so purely and freely. Here's to looking back at these moments and seeing how care translated into pages, and from pages into the world we share.
Oct 21, 2020
Honored to hold these voices in my hands.
Leadership Torah for today from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
- Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Oct 20, 2020
Oct 19, 2020
**SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: NEW BOOK!** “When We Turned Within, Volume 2” is now live!
Olam Chesed Yibaneh - Rabbi Menachem Creditor and Auri Productions
Oct 16, 2020
Oct 15, 2020
Oct 14, 2020
Oct 13, 2020
Oct 12, 2020
Oct 9, 2020
Oct 8, 2020
Oct 7, 2020
Oct 6, 2020
Oct 5, 2020
Oct 2, 2020
Oct 1, 2020
There is beauty in the world, dreams worth dreaming. Sometimes hints of them come true. It is upon us to continue dreaming, to choose hope, to build the best parts of our wishful thinking into reality, one scene at a time. Honor. Dignity. Honest work. Empathy. Those belong at the heart of any nation's sense of self. Whose heart doesn't long for deep compassion and kindness to sit side by side with power and duty? I believe. I believe. I believe.
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A new Bigger on the Inside post: #Hook - "There You Are" "There you are, Peter!" Over time, our eyes can become dim. ...