
Jun 9, 2010

Shacharit Minyan this Sunday at 9:00 AM followed by Rabbi Creditor

Shacharit minyan at Netivot Shalom this coming Sunday, June 13.  Because it is Rosh Chodesh Tammuz and the service will be a bit longer than normal, the service will start at 9:00 AM and there will NOT be a pre-minyan learning session.  Services will be followed by breakfast and at 10:30 AM:

Rabbi Creditor will  discuss
"Jewish Norms and Values". What are our norms? What does that mean anyway?! In a world where rules are more likely to be questioned than followed, how do we decide if choices we make are right? What determines the authenticity of communal policy? During this conversation, the last talk in the series on "Community", Rabbi Creditor will touch on Kashrut, Interfaith Relationships, Jewish Burial, Birth Practices, and more.

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