Dec 31, 2013
Real Work [a #poem] #leadership #friendship
A Rabbinic Riff on Capitalism (sparked by the magnificent philanthropy of J.K. Rowling)
(c) Rabbi Menachem Creditor
JK Rowling gave away 56 million dollars this year.
That's a lot of good being done by one very good, talented, and successful person. You might, then say, that capitalism can be a redeeming force in the world. And while many do everything they can to change the world through the financial means they are blessed to achieve within a capitalist economy, this very meaningful good effort is inherently dependent upon the righteous conviction of the successful.
That means that capitalism must also be recognized as a "dependency system" in which the vulnerable need the powerful to give their wealth away. Yes, Capitalism can include powerful forces for good, but I'm not convinced it's an inherently good system. We should say about Capitalism what Winston Churchill once said about democracy: "It is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."
A good system would eliminate vulnerability and destitution as a likely outcome, regardless of the goodwill of the few. Capitalism is not going away, and self-interest (the all-too-human basis for its global dominance, usually euphemized as "individual rights") is here to stay.
I'm just saying that we shouldn't be so proud of free will offerings.
A successful person of faith who lives in a capitalist society should use language like "obligation" and "responsibility" and "bearing the burden of the other" to describe their giving.
Dec 30, 2013
Upcoming Events (New Years Day Israeli Dancing, Sea of Reeds with Josh Kornbluth and Rabbi Creditor, Tu Bishvat Seder, MLK Breakfast)
Back by popular demand! - Josh Kornbluth's Sea of Reeds (A man, his oboe, his rabbi, and his orchestra.)
from forever until always... [#poem]
(c) Rabbi Menachem Creditor
more than any one can know.
the collective imagination of
everyone, everywhere,
from forever until always...
Dec 29, 2013
Oren: Israel must recognize all forms of Judaism or risk alienating US Jews
Oren: Israel must recognize all forms of Judaism or risk alienating US Jews
'We call ourselves the nation-state of the Jewish people,' says recently returned Israeli envoy to the US. 'Now let's live up to it'
Israel must recognize the legitimacy of all forms of Judaism, emphatically including Reform and Conservative Judaism, or it will alienate those movements, the just-returned Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, said in an interview.
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Oren, who in October ended a four-year stint as Israel's envoy in Washington, DC, said it was all well and good for Israel to describe itself as "the nation-state of the Jewish people" — a formulation, now routinely used by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which Oren said was adopted on his recommendation — but "we've got to stand behind it. Now we've accepted the formula, let's live up to it."
In an interview with The Times of Israel, Oren warned that "if Israel does not work to make itself the nation-state of all the Jewish people, and be truly pluralistic and open about this, then we risk losing these people."
The former ambassador was commenting on the current state of US Jewry and its relationship with Israel.
Asked, first, about the impact of the settlement enterprise on Israeli-Diaspora ties, he said certain Jews were troubled by the expansion of settlements, and others were "dissatisfied we're not building more and faster… I had as much opposition from the American Jewish right as I did from the American Jewish left," he added, "for being in favor of the two-state solution. For effecting the moratorium [on settlement building] in 2010. For prisoner releases."
Oren described the American Jewish community as being "similar to what many physicists say is occurring in the universe — that it's expanding and contracting at the same time. So the American community — read the Pew Report — they're contracting through intermarriage and assimilation. However, at the same time, there's a strong kernel of the American Jewish community, not just Orthodox, but also Jews who've gone on Birthright, who are more connected Jewishly and more connected to Israel, and that's expanding… So if you look down the road, 20 or 30 years from now, the American Jewish community may be smaller, but it could also be more Jewishly identified and more connected to Israel."
At the same time, he warned, "on the constriction side, you have not only Jews who are disaffected because of Israeli policies, but also because the State of Israel doesn't recognize Reform and Conservative Judaism."
He said the only thing that all the rabbis he met with agreed upon — be they Reform, Conservative or Orthodox — was their opposition to the Israeli Chief Rabbinate, which doesn't recognize even most US Orthodox conversions today.
More broadly, he said, Israel needed "to recognize all forms of Judaism. We have to recognize the roles of those movements in Judaism within different life-cycle events in Israeli life. We risk alienating them. The amazing thing about the Reform movement is that, after so many years of not being recognized by the State of Israel, they remain so pro-Israeli. That to me is extraordinary."
He could not be fully confident, he said, that this would last forever. "I'll sit with American Jewish Reform and Conservative leaders who care passionately about Israel," Oren said. "But they'll say to you: I can't tell you how hurtful it is that the State of Israel doesn't recognize my form of Judaism. It is the worst pain when you say something like that. It's something we have to address as a society if we are to remain the nation-state of the Jewish people."
The ex-ambassador's comments came two weeks after Netanyahu became the first prime minister to address the Union for Reform Judaism's biennial US gathering. In a speech via satellite to the event in San Diego, Netanyahu said "Israel is, and it must continue to be, the homeland of the entire Jewish people, the entire Jewish people. That's the place where all Jews — including Reform Jews — experience nothing less than 'audacious hospitality.'" He added that he was "committed to doing everything in my power to ensure that all Jews feel connected to Israel and to each other."
The Times of Israel's full interview with Michael Oren will appear later this week.
Dec 28, 2013
Dec 27, 2013
Breaking: Uganda's anti-gay bill passed in Parliament today. We call on President Museveni to veto it once & for all.
Breaking: Uganda's anti-gay bill passed in Parliament today. We call on President Museveni to veto it once & for all.
Dec 24, 2013
42 U.S. university and college presidents have publicly rejected the boycott of #Israel. Not one has endorsed it.
Click here for the running list:
Dec 23, 2013
A Rabbi's Christmas Thought (for Jewish Parents and Others)
(c) Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Dec 22, 2013
"Blessed, Complicated Water" or "Sitting at China Beach, Remembering Cape Coast" [#poem]
"Blessed, Complicated Water" or "Sitting at China Beach, Remembering Cape Coast"
(C) Rabbi Menachem Creditor
These waters kiss those waters,
rotting detritus and free children's footsteps comingling in a global mikvah,
purifying each wet person
from the ravages
of sin.
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
▶ ▶
Dec 19, 2013
a series of hatefeul tweets in response to calls for less #GunViolence
- 3hMommy Dearest favorited some Tweets you were mentioned in3h:
.@szysgt May #gunbanners have those words turn to ash on their tongues. @HatingBreitbart @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly - @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @DemandAction @RabbiAssembly Ancient Israel awarringnation.David a murderer and whore.Get a grip.NYJew here.
- 3hHating Breitbart retweeted some Tweets you were mentioned in3h:
@KentAtwater @cosplayhassid @HatingBreitbart @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly history proves WE have to take care of ourselves - .@szysgt May #gunbanners have those words turn to ash on their tongues. @HatingBreitbart @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly
- @KentAtwater @cosplayhassid @HatingBreitbart @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly history proves WE have to take care of ourselves
- @KentAtwater @cosplayhassid @HatingBreitbart @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly the point is not to be sheep - never again
- 3hMommy Dearest retweeted some Tweets you were mentioned in4h:
.@KentAtwater Joshua 6:3 (God to the Jews) March around the city once with all the armed men. @HatingBreitbart @szysgt @rabbicreditor - 3hHating Breitbart favorited a Tweet you were mentioned in5h:
.@cosplayhassid And every single Nazi soldier wore a tank. @HatingBreitbart @szysgt @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly - If you don't buy food, you'll have a couple hundred dollars extra a month @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @DemandAction @RabbiAssembly
- If you're an accountant and u only keep one side of the ledger, you won't last @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @DemandAction @RabbiAssembly
- LOL. You do now that the Brady Campaign didn't add in the assets, right? @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @DemandAction @RabbiAssembly
- 4hWar Kitten Cracka favorited a Tweet you were mentioned in5h:
.@rabbicreditor Blaming tools for suffering caused by human evil? Shame on you, rabbi! Shame! @Brady_EasternCT "#gunsense" @RabbiAssembly - 4h5h:
@KentAtwater @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly If some of my cousins were armed perhaps they would've avoided the oven. - .@cosplayhassid Gun? Nah. Several is better. @HatingBreitbart @szysgt @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly
- .@KentAtwater Joshua 6:3 (God to the Jews) March around the city once with all the armed men. @HatingBreitbart @szysgt @rabbicreditor
- .@cosplayhassid And every single Nazi soldier wore a tank. @HatingBreitbart @szysgt @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly
- @HatingBreitbart @szysgt @KentAtwater @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly ya, cuz we all know that a handgun beats a tank
- 5hMommy Dearest favorited a Tweet you were mentioned in5h:
@KentAtwater @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly If some of my cousins were armed perhaps they would've avoided the oven. - 5h5h:
@KentAtwater @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly If some of my cousins were armed perhaps they would've avoided the oven. - @KentAtwater @rabbicreditor @Brady_EasternCT @RabbiAssembly If some of my cousins were armed perhaps they would've avoided the oven.
- 5hMommy Dearest retweeted a Tweet you were mentioned in5h:
.@rabbicreditor Blaming tools for suffering caused by human evil? Shame on you, rabbi! Shame! @Brady_EasternCT "#gunsense" @RabbiAssembly - .@rabbicreditor Blaming tools for suffering caused by human evil? Shame on you, rabbi! Shame! @Brady_EasternCT "#gunsense" @RabbiAssembly
- 8h
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