
Jul 18, 2015

Friends, I'm asking for your help to fund a funeral.

Friends, I'm asking for your help to fund a funeral. 

A dear friend's friend (Gloria) in Chicago just lost her father and two brothers due to‪ #‎GunViolence‬ yesterday. This was a murder-suicide at the hands of Gloria's eldest brother who was mentally ill. They tried in vain to get him help but failed. The family is now faced with burying three family members at once. I'm asking you to go to the gofundme page Gloria's family has set up, make a gift, and share this message. This is a mitzvah the likes of which I wish no one ever needed do. Please give, and share this with your networks. Praying for healing. 


Thank you friends, for making this difference,

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
menachemcreditor.org ▶netivotshalom.org
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