Jan 29, 2017
our bare hearts
(c) rabbi menachem creditor
signs amidst baggage claims
hijabs and yarmulkes, megaphones and pizzas
lawmakers and preachers,
images everywhere
flashes on-screen
reflected in my overwhelmed eyes
my friends are everywhere
trying to put out
wildfires with their bare hearts
trying to counter
scattershot hatred with boundless love.
i lift up my eyes
to the mountains...
I beg You God, that angels surround
detained children, fractured families
my dehumanized cousins
alone, threatened by powerful ugliness
I beg You, God: tell me this isn't happening
that my world isn't being ravaged
by a new Pharoah and his magicians
I'm begging, God.
Tell me this isn't real.
And, God,
if You can't tell me this,
tell me something else:
What must we do to make it better
before it's too late?
Yes, God, we hear You.
It's always been the same answer,
though our pain feels different this time.
We know (it's just so damn hard to remember)
that there's only one answer:
Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.
Love deeper.
Love bigger.
Love stronger.
Love wiser.
Love freer.
Love fiercer.
God. Please.
Grant us more Holy Love.
Wake us from despair,
that we might see You
in each other's eyes
once again.
Jan 26, 2017
Jan 24, 2017
Jan 23, 2017
We will march again soon.
We've barely begun.
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Next Steps
Next Steps
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Jan 20, 2017
Upon Ending my #InaugurationFast
Upon Ending my #InaugurationFast
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Eyes wide open, spirit renewed
I gaze at a sky, somehow
just as blue as yesterday.
Before I end this elective fast
I gaze at Heaven, somehow
assured that there is yet hope.
As I bring this water to my lips
I pray for strength, somehow
knowing the strength is waiting
in eyes and arms and hearts
spread across this wounded home.
I close my eyes,
measure my breath,
offer gratitude,
and accept the task ahead.
May Love be our portion, O Lord.
Jan 18, 2017
Empty Shuls this Shabbat: A Rabbinic Comment on the Inauguration
Jan 13, 2017
Jan 12, 2017
#RaisingTorah Update!

Now. Tomorrow. And the day after.
Now. Tomorrow. And the day after.
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
The inclination to find middle ground, a beautiful, noble mindset that speaks to and from within the Divine spirit in all people, is going to have to wait.
Middle ground, the art of compromise, is theoretically possible. I believe in it. After all, my faith in God can be understood as there being truths beyond me.
In a climate defined by:
- the pervasive image of a bully occupying the White House, belittling those called to hold him accountable
- the contamination of the Executive Office by a thinly disguised and a decades-long resume of reckless greed
- a Congress whose first two acts since the election have been the proposed elimination of their own Ethical Oversight and the likely stripping of millions of Americans' Healthcare (both actions taken in the middle of the night, behind closed doors)
- an emboldened American White Nationalism, with influence in the administration (manifest in the disrespect shown yesterday by Republican Congressional leaders towards prominent African American senators)
- the understandable (and also unacceptable) despair touching the hearts of millions of marginalized Americans (and millions more who look to American democracy for hope)
We must pledge, every day - Every. Day. - to resist normalization of all of this. This is not a "new normal." We are not - YOU ARE NOT - allowed to give in to despair, to see civic engagement as futile. We will, with deep respect and fervent prayer and non-violent deed, preserve and support our Democracy.
Looking for concrete actions?
-Call your elected officials when you are worried by or proud of them.
- Attend to your Houses of Worship to commune with fellow people and with God. (Attend even if you don't believe. True faith isn't about the externalized Divine - it's about the sanctity of every human being and the wonder of the world.)
- Marshal your community and family against hate when it raises its ugly head. (Do this especially when the target is someone different from you.)
- Boycott the Inauguration. Don't watch it. Pledge charity to the ACLU, Bend the Arc, Planned Parenthood, NAACP, and other holy organizations in honor of the Beloved Nation we will together rebuild.
Don't give up. You're not allowed. Build this world from #Love. Now. Tomorrow. And the day after.
We've got this, because we have each other.
Bless you all.
Jan 11, 2017
Jan 9, 2017
CNS Men's Shelter Dinner Report

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