
Nov 11, 2019

"Sunsetting" TheTisch

Shalom Everyone,

For the past 19 years (!!), I've been honored to share Torah and updates with "TheTisch," a YahooGroup. In the coming months, YahooGroups will begin gradually closing down most of its functionality, and so TheTisch will sunset along with the times. 

Luckily, there are other ways for us to remain connected! On my website, menachemcreditor.net, you can find much of my material, including books, music, and videos. You can follow me on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and much of the Torah originally shared through TheTisch has been incorporated into two of my books: What Does it Mean? (2013) and Intense Beginnings (2014), both available via Amazon. My most recent album, Olam Chesed (2015) is available on Amazon and iTunes.

And there's always the deepest joy of actually seeing each other! I love serving as Scholar in Residence around the country, and will be visiting the following communities in the coming months:

Friends, TheTisch began as a way of connecting the college students I led on Birthright Israel in Dedember, 1999, sharing a weekly thought with a beautiful group of souls. It's grown and grown, and I'm grateful to have been able to share a holy journey with you all. I'll continue distributing my writings through this email list until it no longer functions, but hope we'll find ways of remaining connected outside of its platform as well!

Kol Tuv - all my best!

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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