

Apr 28, 2020

A Prayer for Tomorrow to Come just a Bit Quicker

A Prayer for Tomorrow to Come just a Bit Quicker 
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Dearest Source of All,
Through these tears we call to You.
Please, Oh Please, set us free.

No, we do not mean
aimless chaos, unaware selfishness,
people marching blindly,
trampling over one another.

God, we ask for Your Grace,
a flowing current of selflessness
surging between neighbors and strangers,
a reminder that we are Your Image,
each and all.

Please God, purpose.
Please God, health.
Please God, mutual care.
Please God, soon.


Honored to share blessing and Torah this Tuesday morning, marking #YomHaZikaron and the one-year Anniversary of the #Poway attack. We stand in memory and unspeakable gratitude for all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of peace, in the name of life. In their names, may we be blessed with no more fallen daughters and sons. 🇮🇱🌹

Honored to share blessing and Torah this Tuesday morning, marking #YomHaZikaron and the one-year Anniversary of the #Poway attack. We stand in memory and unspeakable gratitude for all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of peace, in the name of life. In their names, may we be blessed with no more fallen daughters and sons. 🇮🇱🌹

Apr 17, 2020

A Prayer While Standing on an American Food Line

A Prayer While Standing on an American Food Line
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Source of Sustenance,
help us remember
this line is not like other lines.

Yes, the shock of lining up for food
today, here, now,
is real. And...

there is food
at the end of this line,
enough food for all.

HaZan et haKol, Nourisher of All,
may the fear we feel,
the anxiety reality provokes,
have its moment. And... 

May we be patient with those ahead
and behind us in line.

May we treat with respect
those who tend to us
who pick and package
and restock and bag the food
we need. And... 

May we be grateful
we'll have enough.

May we do what we can
to ensure others will also have enough.

May we remember
this is only a line.


Grateful to offer some blessing and Torah this Friday morning! Shabbat Shalom!

Apr 5, 2020

A Nighttime Prayer for Our Healers

A Nighttime Prayer for Our Healers
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

You Bring Day and the light.
You Bring Night and the dark.
And You Divide them,
keeping each in place.

Dear One,
We ask Your protection
upon those who guard us day and night,
placing themselves between life and death,
fighting to keep each in their places.

Holy One,
Your Image is best reflected
in those who wrestle the chaos,
in those whose care defies limitation,
and whose mighty hearts
need a respite that will not come any time soon.

Loving Soul of the Universe,
please, please, please
Heal our healers.
Sustain our sustainers.
Bless those whose work
these days and nights
holds up Your whole universe.

May we, Your children,
wake to a world reborn just a bit,
spirits renewed just a bit,
healers strengthened, just a bit.
Maybe more.


your face this morning: a poem/prayer

your face this morning: a poem/prayer
rabbi menachem creditor
for Isaiah and everyone else

i've never seen so clearly
how truly precious is every other
i mean i've known and i've taught
but now, with a shining sweet friend
on my screen, singing out
to me to you to the One
sitting still
feeling still
breath steadied
letting the light of a new day in
these tears purify my eyes
to see better
to feel to hope again
i feel the fire in me
lit by the warmth of contact
birthed by the light
of your sweet face
dear one
your soul my friend
is luminous
and you share it
with purity

Apr 2, 2020

from an inside place: a poem

from an inside place: a poem  
rabbi menachem creditor

Oh, that moment
when sunlight intensifies
and i rush to open my window
to just let it in

Oh, cover me!
suffuse my being
pervade my cells!

But then,
through the open window,
comes a rush of very cold air
accompanying the blessed light

So, for now
I'll just sit here
and enjoy the light
from my warm
inside place.

Happy to share a blessing and some Torah this Thursday morning!

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