
Jun 7, 2011

Continuing the Conversation--Now on JTS's Conservative Judaism Blog

Dear Chevreh - 

for those who haven't yet read the essays and responses on the new JTS Conservative Judaism blog, I can't recommend it highly enough!  Once you read one, you'll listen and read the rest - passionate, articulate, and relevant!  

Chag Sameach, 

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  || Bay Area Masorti ||  ShefaNetwork 
Rabbis for Women of the Wall  ||  menachemcreditor.org 
To join Rabbi Creditor's email list, send a blank email to thetisch-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

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Dear JTS Family,

An essential part of the "Conservative Judaism: A Community Conversation" blog is, of course, the conversation. This week, rather than a new essay, I am posting my reply to some of the points raised by our respondents. Please visit the site, and help to shape it, by contributing your thoughts to this ongoing community discussion.

Visit the blog at www.jtsa.edu/CJblog and follow me on Twitter @Arnold Eisen (twitter.com/ArnoldEisen).


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Arnold M. Eisen
The Jewish Theological Seminary

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