
Jun 19, 2011

This Sunday: A LIFE-CHANGING JOURNEY: The 2011 Shalhevet Trip to Poland and Israel

A LIFE-CHANGING JOURNEY: The 2011 Shalhevet Trip to Poland and Israel

Returning to Poland after 28 years, Ben Stern was the senior educator for 29 Bay Area High School students who applied for a five month-long study program that included two-weeks of travel in Poland and Israel.  Accompanied by his daughter, Charlene, Ben acted as senior educator to Shalhevet travelers in Poland, on an itinerary that followed much of his footsteps, as he lived through and survived the Holocaust. Following the week in Poland, they journeyed together through Israel and continued their learning through many first-time experiences for all of them.

Join us for a memorable evening with Shalhevet students, Ben and Charlene, as they share some of their personal experiences, reflections and this trip's impact on their lives.

Sunday Evening
June 26th, 2011
At 7:00 p.m.


Congregation Netivot Shalom
1316 University Avenue
Berkeley 94702

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
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