

Jun 22, 2011

update on circumcision ban

Dear Coalition members,


This is an important update on developments with the circumcision ban.  We have launched a full scale campaign. Last week, a political campaign firm came on board to handle the significant political work that needs to be done this summer: seeking political endorsements, creating a voter education effort, ensuring slate card endorsements, managing the ballot simplification process (which is where it is determined what the actual language will be for the question on the ballot), and much more. 


This week, we initiated the poll to determine how the measure is perceived by diverse demographic groups that comprise San Francisco's voters.  The poll will also test counter-messages that resonate in San Francisco. While all of this happens, our coalition has simultaneously grown to 220 prominent national and local individuals and organizations. We are proud that the entire Board of Supervisors of San Francisco has endorsed the Committee for Parental Choice and Religious Freedom, as has the American Civil Liberties Union-Northern CA, the American Academy of Pediatrics – California, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, San Francisco Medical Society, dozens of California and local public officials, and many others. 


You will read in the press today that we have filed a lawsuit, seeking injunctive relief to have this thrown off the ballot. While we believe the law is squarely in our favor, the Court may make the decision to allow this to be put to the voters.  For that reason, we will continue to mount the most effective effort possible to ensure this measure does not pass.  We need your help!


Please, help make this a viral campaign:  spread the word so that people around the country will understand the national implications of this test of parental choice and religious freedom.  We need your support, and that of your friends to defeat this measure so that it will not appear elsewhere. We ask you to do the following, and ask your friends to join you:


1.    Make a contribution at www.stopcircban.com

2.    "Friend" the Committee for Parental Choice and Religious Freedom

3.    Add an auto-signature at the bottom of your emails that states "Help defeat the measure to criminalize circumcision: www.stopcircban.com"


Thank you for your support.

All the best,






Abigail Michelson Porth

Associate Director

Jewish Community Relations Council

121 Steuart St, Suite 301

SF, CA  94105




Help defeat the measure to criminalize circumcision:  www.stopcircban.com




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