This year, as every year, we gather as a larger Berkeley Jewish community on Yom haShoah, in reflection, ritual, and mourning for the 6 Million. Our community's rabbis and members will stand together, pray, and recommit ourselves to being recipients and vessels of Jewish communal memory, unspeakable pain, and of holy righteousness and resistance during the Shoah.  As part of the Berkeley Jewish Community's Yom HaShoah observance and commemoration this year, Arthur Shostak, professor emeritus of Drexel University, will speak about his passionate effort to write about a critical missing piece of Shoah history before it is too late. He is focused on 'forbidden caring behavior' which Jews provided to other Jews at great risk to their lives. He calls this the 'Help Story,' and urges us to give it attention comparable to that which now goes primarily to the Nazis Horror Story. Charlene Stern, child of survivors, first-time filmmaker and member of Netivot Shalom, will interview Arthur about his journey and forthcoming book. Join us to learn what is missing from every Holocaust Museum today and why Arthur hopes we will soon change our collective memory of the Shoah for the benefit of future generations. _____________ Art Shostak is an Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. He has authored or edited 34 books, and is currently writing a book about forbidden care-sharing among Jews during the Holocaust. He has related material at, and a profile of him appears on Wikipedia. Art and his wife, Lynn, live now in Oakmont, a retirement community outside of Santa Rosa, where they have developed its first Havurah. |