Nov 30, 2016
Nov 29, 2016
Please support "Refugee Artists in Greece," an effort led by Dafna Bearson

Nov 21, 2016
Living with the Unimaginable: A Thanksgiving Prayer During a Difficult American Moment
Nov 18, 2016
A Gift for Shabbes! "There is Hope!"
Nov 16, 2016
Nov 10, 2016
journey to [a #poem]
journey to [a #poem]
© rabbi menachem creditor
listen so well,
stretch my soul
into her quivering mouth
for meaning
trying, trying, hoping,
desperate to discern
what is she saying?
what needs to be heard?
how can I be in a place
I don’t understand?
how did we get here?
Never mind that.
We’re here.
Where do we go now?
Go. Go to yourselves
to a land that I will show you
leave behind what I know,
the land I thought I knew
journey to…
#poetry #poetcommunity #life#inspiration #poem #journey #uncharted#path #humbled #hopeful
Nov 9, 2016
Broken Glass: Yes, My Child
Broken Glass: Yes, My Child
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
The world turned upside down
with America first
1938 Germany
glass ceilings broke
burning synagogues
neighbors' hatred the accelerant
... tonight?
today my child tells me
she is scared
I am too
It is not 1938
and we do not go gently
and we do not go alone
we dare not go alone
broken bonds
threefold cords
calling for repair
for love
for love
yes, my child:
it will get worse
before it gets better
yes, my child:
I am afraid
I am here. Alive.
You are here. Alive.
Shards of broken glass
history's sharp, bloody call
to overcome,
to never forget
to walk this narrow bridge unafraid
to live fiercely with, not against
that banner yet waves
over kneeling brothers and sisters
hands up, heavy spirits all
teary eyes searching heaven
for reassurance
we are not resigned
not resigned
despair, an unforgivable sin
we will not hate
I will not hate
Say it with me, child:
I. Will. Not. Hate.
I. Will. Not. Hate.
the obligations of citizenship
have just begun.
Yes, my child:
the work has just begun.
#poem #poetry #poetcommunity #life #America #kristallnacht #remember #zachor #riseup #notresigned #Democracy #election2016 #children #fear #citizenship #service
Nov 8, 2016
For America, With Trembling Hands
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Each line drawn with my trembling hand, this act, this obligation, this privilege is complete.
My daughters, my mother, my matriarchs in my crying eyes as I voted for President.
So many others in America, incarcerated, gunned down, ignored - the fate of so many is in our hands. Was in my hands. Your hands.
I pray we do right today, America. One more step toward life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
#vote #voting #Prayer #election2016
Nov 1, 2016
White Privilege at Shul

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